Immmunity Roller

Let’s start off today with a smile and a lot of hope.
I have ventured into Young Living as an avenue to create an income to help support my big family of 6 and to attempt to keep us all a little bit healthier. Now I know what you might all be thinking, ” A family of six really isn’t that big.” but the reality of it is when you have 4 children that are constantly bringing germs into your home from their school, you might need a little help keeping their immunity up and yours as well.

So here is a good place to start, the Immunity Roller is a combination of oils mixed together with a carrier oil in a convenient roller bottle. This combination of oils can be applied to the back along the spine and the bottoms of the feet twice a day. I know, I know, sounds crazy, right? Well maybe not but if it helps, I will include the recipe that we use here in our home. Check it out and see if you have the same results in your home.

Here is the Immunity roller recipe:

In a glass 10ml roller bottle mix:

10 drops Thieves
10 drops Purification
10 drop Frankincense
fill remainder of roller bottle with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil or almond oil)
Apply to back along the spine and to the bottoms of feet, twice a day

If you are interested in oils and would like to join me in my oily journey please use this link and become a member of my Young Living team.
Leave a comment below if you have questions and I will answer them as best I can.

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