Sore Throat Roller

Let’s start off today day with a smile and a lot of hope!
Have you ever woken up with a sore throat? How about someone that lives in your home? Well I have a Roller recipe that could help with that.

In our home I have 4 kids as I have said before and let me tell you, it seems like there is a never ending amount of exposure to germs. Especially if you have young children in daycare that are in extremely close contact with all the other children in daycare. I know that all teachers and daycare providers try their best to keep the germs at a minimal but sometimes it’s just unavoidable.

I have used this recipe on my 6 year old daughter several times so far since school has started and the results are awesome. The last time I used this my daughter came to me shortly before bed time and informed me that her throat was sore. I went to my oils box and pulled out my “sore throat” roller, applied it to the outside of her throat and sent her on her way. I checked in with her about 20 minutes later to see how her throat was feeling. She looked at me and said, ” Momma, my throat is all better and it doesn’t hurt any more.” I told her that I was happy that it helped her throat feel better.

Now don’t take my word for it, you would have to try it out to believe it for yourself but I will include the recipe we use in our home so you can try it in yours.

Here is what you will need:

10ml Roller Bottle
10 drops of Lemon oil
10 drops of Purification

fill the remainder of the bottle with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil or almond oil)

Apply to the outside of the throat as needed

If you are interested in oils and would like to join me in my oily journey please use this link and become a member of my Young Living team.
Leave a comment below if you have questions and I will answer them as best I can.

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