Let’s start off today with a smile and a lot of hope!
Oh Stress Away, oh Stress Away, how lovely do you make me feel?
This oil, y’all. I just love it. It smells SO good. Have you tried it yet? You really should.
First let’s see how you can use it safely:
Aromatically in your home diffuser or inhaling straight from the bottle
Topically; Apply Stress Away Roll-on as needed. Dilution is not required.
Dietary: Stress Away is safe for ingestion.
There aren’t any earth-shattering tips or tricks that I can tell you about how to use this oil. Just use it.
Rub it on your wrists, your neck, your temples, behind your knees- pretend like it’s your favorite perfume and just dab it on. It smells DELICIOUS, and so will you, when you use it.
And so will your house when you diffuse it. I have Stress Away in my diffuser almost CONSTANTLY. I love to mix 5 drops Stress Away, 5 drops Orange and 5 drops Bergamot for the happiest smelling diffuser blend that I can possibly recommend to you. The citrus oils are all happy smelling to me (especially lime) but when you add the Stress Away it just takes it to a whole nother level.
And really, these days, who DOESN’T need their stress to go away?
If you are interested in oils and would like to join me in my oily journey please use this link and become a member of my Young Living team. https://aimeewarner.lifestepseo.com
Leave a comment below if you have questions and I will answer them as best I can.
With this special blend, once purchased, all you have to do is add a roller bottle filament to the jar and you are all set. If you are interested in becoming a Young Living Member, please use this link https://aimeewarner.lifestepseo.com