Acne Roller

Let’s start today with a smile and a lot of hope!

Ok, so as you all have heard I have 4 kids and one of my sons, my 15 year old has problems with his skin. It seems he is constantly breaking out. No matter the type of skin products we use it’s never really completely healed his acne. It isn’t completely gone but it has improved.

I know I keep saying we strive to be chemical free but I would never push to be chemical free on anyone not to mention a member of my family. My son tells me he isn’t interested in using oils but I managed to convince him to at least give it a try.

I will include the recipe we are trying with his regular face wash and we are already getting results that look much better.

10 ML roller bottle
7 drops of purification oil
7 drops of lavender oil
7 drops frankincense oil
7 drops of tea tree oil

fill remainder of the bottle with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil)

Use it twice a day on clean dry skin

If you are interested in oils and would like to join me in my oily journey please use this link and become a member of my Young Living team.
Leave a comment below if you have questions and I will answer them as best I can.

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