Ache Away

Let’s start today with a smile and a lot of hope!

Hello again my oily bunch!

Do any of you work out? Have achy muscles? Maybe just pulled something and now you wish you had something for the tenderness?

I work out, yeah right, no really I do. Well maybe not as much as I should but when I do I suffer the aches and pains from muscles I didn’t even know I had. Now as you know I love trying my oils for almost everything and I have a recipe for you to help sooth those aches.

Now don’t take it from me and I know I say that a lot but hey you really can’t take my word for it, you have got to try it! You never know it could be the one thing that turns you onto oils.

So here it is,

5 drops of Panaway oil
5 drops of Peppermint oil
5 drops Copaiba oil
You can add Lemongrass oil and Valor oil to kick it up a notch but that is up to you.

Add oils to 1/4 cup carrier oil and apply where needed

If you are interested in oils and would like to join me in my oily journey please use this link and become a member of my Young Living team.
Leave a comment below if you have questions and I will answer them as best I can.

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