
Let’s start today with a smile and a lot of hope!

Let’s face it, not everyone covers their mouth when they cough and they spread the nasty everywhere. Our trouble starts when the nasty is in the kids class. There is no way to avoid it, you can’t isolate it and no matter what, you are probably gonna get some form of it.

I know when my kids bring it home they are miserable for what seems like weeks and sometimes certain kids in my family it does hang on for weeks.

We have had the sickness in our home recently and it was my daughter that brought it home, it seems like it is always her, but at night it is the worst. She was coughing so much at night that it would wake her up. Sometimes she would cough so much that it would make her gag and almost vomit. She was miserable and she was finding it hard to not be sleepy in school.

Yes, I would send her to school like that. In our area we are instructed “every child every seat, every day” Also we are told that unless they have a fever or vomiting they need to be in school. Without a Doctors note an absence should not happen. I agree with what you all are thinking, “If people would keep their sick kids home then my kid wouldn’t get sick.”

So back to what we used on my daughter to help with her congestion that made her cough most of the night. I found a recipe for a vapor rub that seems to work as well as store bought but with fewer chemicals.

2 table spoons organic Coconut Oil
6 drops Lemon oil
6 drops Peppermint oil
10 drops R.C.
2 drops Raven
2 drops Theives

Apply as needed to chest and back

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