1/4 cup filtered water
1/4 cup honey
1 inch piece of ginger, thinly sliced
1 stick of lemongrass (light portion only),
bruised with the back of a knife
1 drop Lemongrass Vitality™ essential oil
1 drop Jade Lemon Vitality™ essential oil
1 drop Lime Vitality™ essential oil
2 grapefruits, juiced
2 oranges, juiced
4 tangerines, juiced
1 bottle sparkling water, chilled to top
Grapefruit or orange slices, for garnish
• In a small saucepan, bring the water, honey, ginger, and lemongrass to a simmer over
medium-high heat, stirring until honey is dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat,
cover, and let cool for 20–30 minutes.
• Strain syrup. Add the Lemongrass, Jade Lemon, and Lime essential oils. Cool mixture
and serve immediately or cover and refrigerate until needed.
• Combine the citrus juices and the lemongrass citrus syrup and mix well. Pour into ice filled glasses and top with sparkling water. Garnish with grapefruit or orange slices and